Ethereum Leave Messgae

Leave a permanent message on the Ethereum blockchain.


What is this? & How it works?

This webpage is a little helper for sending a transaction to the evm-compatiable blockchain with a piece of arbitrary message encoded and stored in data.
I personally use it to leave a permanent happy-birthday to my mother.

How to use it?

It requires a web3-enabled browser (plugin), such as Metamask. (Only Metamask is tested.)
Fill in the form, click on Send and approve the transaction in the popup. After the transaction is confirmed, the message will be stored in the blockchain forever. To view it, go to the corresponding blockchain explorer and search for the transaction hash. You can see the message in the Input Data field. (Make sure you view it in UTF-8 encoding.)
Also feel free to change the network to any evm-compatiable blockchain, such as BSC, Optimism, etc.

Is it safe?

Source code can be found at my GitHub repo.

Wanna donate?

My GitHub: @xiaoyu2006
My ETH address: 0x02CbAd7f9BabC4313Ff590f92b0206d0C47CFc96
Thanks for your support!